Meet the staff
The showroom
180 square metres of showroom space with most of the range of new Kawasakis, as well as up to 60 used bikes.

Brian Neilson
Owner/DirectorLooks after aftersales at both outlets, but he’s more likely to be planning the next race meeting for one of our sponsored riders. Still spannering away for his sins either prep-ing race machines, servicing the odd H2 or just whatever is needed in the workshops. In his spare time he runs Kirkcaldy Kawasaki.

Jo Rafferty
Director/AdministratorEx-sailor would you believe it. Went to sea to find herself but found a man in stead. She runs a tight ship and keeps the salesmen on the straight and narrow (walk the plank). Someone needs to.

Craig Manson
Sales ManagerCraig has been round the block already in the Motor Industry starting with the family Ford business and with stints in other car as well as motorcycle positions. Has been known to play rugby, but sticks to coaching now when not looking after our showroom.

Andy Thomson
Valeter driverKirkcaldy's main man when it comes to preparing and delivering bikes. Shame really 'cos he's Suzuki through and through. Rides one, has the T shirt, the mug, the jumpers, jackets, you name it. Came to us from the car world, and he's not going back!

Greg Wojtaszek
Motorcycle SalesOne of our Polish cousins. Never been to a barber in his life. Speaks English and Polish and taking evening classes in Fifish. Knows his motorcycles and will properly look after you

Rob Hill
Motorcycle salesPart time sales. Full time motorcycle nut. Loves bikes and will happily talk about them for hours. Always happy to help and a great addition to the team.

Jim Cowie
StorespersonNow established part of the furniture, but don't sit on him please. Doesn't take any holidays, just works away getting you the right parts. Does what he says on the tin (may contain nuts).

Robbie Jackson
StorespersonWe had to give Robbie a job as he refused to go away. What a find though. Mad about bikes. Mad about technology. Or just mad?

Scott Elliott
StorespersonKnows his way around all things two wheels. A Kawasaki man at heart but has a love for the Italian bikes as well. He’s desperate to fit a ZZR1400 engine in his wee Vespa to give the top end a boost. It’s only a matter of time...

Kelly Carruthers
Senior mechanicA new additon to Kirkcaldy after spending several years at Cupar Motorcycles. Knows his way around an Italian bike but will never admit it. Spends his weekends racing classic bikes and apparently he's the last of the late brakers.

Kris Mcalpine
MechanicAnother graduate of the Honda training school. Now Kawasaki green through and through. Multi-skilled. Gets it right first time.

Allan Shanks
Apprentice MechanicJoined us in October 23. 'Bit old for an apprentice? Or just a bit old? Already substantially experienced having seen his own way through college. A proper motorcyclist. He's found his ideal place with us and we've found our ideal apprentice.
Find out why more & more people are are choosing to buy their next motorcycle from Kirkcaldy Kawasaki. Serving Scotland, Fife, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Stirling, Falkirk and beyond...